When I think about the past few weeks, the
following words from a great hymn comes to mind.
"Great is Thy
Great is Thy
by morning new mercies I see
I have needed Thy hand hath provided
is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!"
The Hymn "Great is Thy Faithfulness"
has always been one of my favorites and has been a family favorite for a long
time. It is so awesome how it the chorus of this song has continued to
ring true throughout many individuals lives and through so many generations.
God has been so faithful to us on our journey
he has called us on. We could start even to the time when we meet for the
first time but we will just stick with the MANY ways that he has been faithful
in the past few weeks:
- We have been covered in prayers from so many. There
are literally people around the world praying for us and that is so
amazing. Jenna and I can feel your prayers and we know that the
prayers are being answered.
- He answered the prayer request that I offered up in
our last blog! God provided a way to pay for our car for us to pay
for our car for the entire time we are gone!
- There was a change of plans for our week before
classes where we were to do training and interviews so we had to drive 14
hrs straight. We made it to KC very early in the morning Safe and
- God has done nothing but provide financially.
Through many of you God has provided more than half of our needed
funds for our time in NZ.
- God has been faithful to us through providing insight.
This past week we have had the amazing opportunity to meet our
mentor, fellow participants, past participants, experienced missionaries,
and experienced missions prep/return counselors. We have had the opportunity
to learn so much from others. We have also had the opportunity to learn
more about ourselves. We took strength and personality tests which not
only have given us helpful insight about working in another culture but
also about Jenna and I as a couple. It is cool to see how God has even
used this past week to help us build an even stronger marriage.
- God has provided great new relationships with
mission-minded peers :).
- Just yesterday, God also provided us with a place to
stay for FREE in the KC area through the couple who was in NZ last year.
Those are just a few ways that God has been
faithful to us this past few weeks!
We thank each one of you that has been faithful
in supporting us in prayer. We also would like to thank each one of you
that has been faithful in supporting us financially.
The next few weeks will be full of classes and
homework and classes for Jenna and me. We would appreciate your prayers
during this time.
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